I actually do not have words to explain the service provided to us by the well trained staff at the labour room at Ninewells.I would like to recommend Ninewells to my friends, relatives and neighbours.

Mr. M.D.D Manjua

I was very stressed out about my child as a first time parent but I was really impressed with the kind service given to us by the NICU staff members.
The NICU staff was really kind and looked after my child as if it were their own child. Also as a first time mother, I had a lack of knowledge about breast feeding and cup feeding. But I learned a lot about breast feeding.

Mr.N.K.W. Wijedasa & Mrs.W.P.M.D.A. perera

We were so confident and satisfied that “our most valuable thing in life” was in very safe hands and a safe environment.

Mr.S. Chaminda