Infection Prevention and Control Program

The foremost key concern for us at Ninewells is to ensure patients’ safety and to aid their speedy recovery. Healthcare associated infections are a major concern in hospitals worldwide. We at Ninewells hospital take every possible steps to protect our patients, staff and visitors from acquiring infections within the hospital.  In order to accomplish this, we have implemented an effective Infection Prevention and Control program in our hospital. The infection prevention and control program is run by the infection control unit headed by a consultant Microbiologist and a senior nursing sister who has had special training in infection control. Our mission is to ensure safety of patients, staff and visitors by providing safe environment within our hospital premises.

Furthermore, ensuring the overall safety of the hospital premises by effective environment cleaning, monitoring and surveillance of hospital acquired infections, sterilisation assurance, linen management, waste management and pest control.

We at Ninewells are committed to protect our dedicated staff so that they can provide you the best quality care without any hindrance. Hence, we have implemented a staff immunisation program to ensure safety of our employees.


Call us now to book your next appointment with us.

Monday to Friday 7am – 9pm
Saturday 7am – 8pm
Sunday 7am – 4pm