Childhood Obesity Clinic

Unlike in the past where there were considerably less number of cases of childhood obesity, today there is an increase of childhood obesity with 10% of the children being overweight. What the parents may not be aware of is that Childhood obesity may lead to illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, high bold pressure and dyslipidemia. Also, the child is likely to be suffer from sleep disorders, asthma and joint problems as well.

Hence, knowing how much you want your child to stay healthy, at Ninewells, we have introduced a “Childhood Obesity Clinic” to help your child beat obesity and lead a contented lifestyle. Through the programs conducted in our clinic, we strive to ensure your child’s self-esteem and increase his/her participation in social activities without making obesity a problem.

At our child-friendly clinic setting, both you and your child can obtain advice from our medical experts on how to manage your child’s weight so as to prevent obesity and its complications. Since there will be group sessions in which your kid may participate, he/she will be placed in an anxious free environment with their peers, who are undergoing the same treatment programme as they are.

Offering your child the best quality care, our Childhood Obesity Clinic provides you the following services:

  • Specialist led clinic
  • Monthly pre-scheduled clinics
  • Obesity related complications screening
  • Check for underlying medical causes
  • Group therapy
  • Child friendly counselling
  • Nutritional advice
  • Advice on physical activities
  • Monthly monitoring charts
  • Individual goal setting and motivational plans
  • Regular monitoring of weight, height and BMI

Call/Text us today to register your child: 071 636 9000 (Ms. Padhi)


Call us now to book your next appointment with us.

Monday to Friday 7am – 9pm
Saturday 7am – 8pm
Sunday 7am – 4pm