Family Planning Clinic

After taking the vows to be husband and wife, every couple’s dream is to make a healthy and happy family. Knowing that you need guidance on family planning, Ninewells conducts a Family Planning Clinic to provide health education for a successful marriage life.

At Ninewells Family Planning Clinic, one of our priorities is to educate couples on contraceptive methods, along with the advantages and disadvantages for each. We are keen to share knowledge with you on the suitable periods to have a baby, paying special attention to your medical conditions. Knowing how integral it is to maintain good health for both the mother and the baby, at our Ninewells Family Planning Clinic we advise on the possible gaps that should be kept between pregnancies ( also known as birth spacing ) as well as advice on preventing unplanned pregnancies.

Whilst educating the couple on possible side effects of each and every contraceptive method, we give the couple the freedom to select the most suitable method for them according to their convenience and health conditions.

Nonetheless, at our clinic, depending on the history, examination and investigation findings the medical officer will refer the couple to the relevant consultant, if necessary.


Call us now to book your next appointment with us.

Monday to Friday 7am – 9pm
Saturday 7am – 8pm
Sunday 7am – 4pm